Nocebo (2022) Review

Nocebo (2022) Review

NOCEBO (2022)

Director – Lorcan Finnegan

Starring – Eva Green , Chai Fonacier, Mark Strong, Billie Gadston.

Nocebo meaning – a detrimental effect on health produced by psychological or psychosomatic factors such as negative expectations of treatment or prognosis.

Christine is a fashion designer for children , she is having an industry show for her lastest collection when she receives a mysterious phone call and we hear her repeat “pulling out bodies” . At the same time while she is alone behind the scenes a tick riddled , milky-eyed scabby dog appears and shakes ticks everywhere , one of which lands and burrows on the back of Christine’s neck.

Eight months later and Christine is a mess, she struggles to leave the house , is full of prescription meds and even the school run with her precocious daughter Bobs (Billie Gadston) is a daily challenge. She struggles to work out what , or why, this is happening and her supportive husband Felix (Mark Strong) seems at his wits end.

Out of the blue there is a knock at the door and the home help Christine has hired arrives in the shape of Diana (Chai Fonacier) and that’s where the story really gets going.

Nocebo is a slow burn , but all the way through Director Lorcan Finnegan and writer Garret Shanley (the pair that brought us the great Vivarium) keep both the action and the script ticking along nicely.

Nocebo asks a lot of questions throughout including thoughts on modern medicine , slave labour, modern tech working conditions , cultural religious beliefs and much more , but unfortunately it gets a little bogged down and towards the end seems rushed and leaves some questions unanswered .

Eva Green is wonderful as Christine and you feel for her BUT it is Chai Fonacier who steals the show as she helps Christine deal with her ailments and becomes increasingly attached to Bobs .

Nocebo won’t be for everyone but it’s a beautiful poignant folk horror and the final 20 minutes really hit and hit hard .

Slow , meticulous and highly emotional Nocebo is a film worthy of your time but will divide viewers with it’s deliberate low key tension build and slightly rushed ending. However for the story , acting and social commentary this is a great watch 3.5/ 5 .

Nocebo hits UK cinemas from Dec 9th 2022

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